Jason Mosley – aka “Mr. Baconpants” – is among the cast of Bacon Nation characters who I profile in my book, Bacon: A Love Story.


He and I thought it would be fun to answer some questions for each other to cross post on our blogs. Following is my interview with Jason. You can find Jason’s interview with me on MrBaconpants.com by clicking here.


How/why did you start blogging about bacon?
I started blogging about bacon for a lot of the same reasons other people have. An event happened in my life that linked me to bacon and then people just started sending me bacon related links and gifts. The name of my blog, Mr. Baconpants, didn’t come until later.


Where has bacon blogging taken you?
Bacon blogging has taken me further then I ever thought it would. In the beginning, I thought it was just going to be something my friends and I thought was funny. Then I started getting comments and emails from people I’d never met. It was at that point I realized I had stumbled on to something that everyone enjoys, bacon.


Tell me a funny/interesting story involving you and bacon.
While I was out of town for work a few of my friends invited me to dinner. This was my first business trip ever. We went to this really nice steakhouse. Growing up in a lower middle class family, when I looked at the prices I gasped. I looked at my friend Jon and said, “This is expensive, what are you going to get?” He said, “Probably just a side salad and a baked potato” and seeing that I didn’t get the joke he promptly replied, “Steak! What do you think I would get?”


Now that I understood that work gave us an allowance for food on the trip and that this would eat up most of it, I figured I better make the best of it. I ordered a steak, salad and potato. When our salads arrived I noticed Jon was just staring at his. Thinking that there must have been a hair or something in it I asked, “What’s wrong with it?” He got a gleeful look on his face and grasped the bacon off the top of the salad. You see, at this restaurant when they give you your salad it has two full strips of bacon on the top of it. I guess rich people hate fake bacon bits too. Well Jon’s bacon strips were special; they were stuck together at the top to form a V or pants shape.


As Jon was thrusting his bacon in to the air he shouted, “Look! It’s Mr. Baconpants!” He then made Mr. Baconpants do a little dance in the air.


Now remember this was at a fancy restaurant and I don’t think the people at the tables around us enjoyed Mr. Baconpants as much as we did. I was in tears with laughter. It was at that time I knew what I had to call my bacon blog. Thanks to Jon and his quick thinking, MrBaconpants.com was born.


What is your favorite bacon recipe?
My favorite bacon recipe is simple, Bacon Wrapped _______. I have yet to find something that is wrapped in bacon that I don’t like.


What are your future goals for your blog and bacon?
I would love to make a living traveling, blogging, and talking about bacon. I have everything but the making a living part figured out. This has been an unexpected ride and I am sure the future is going to hold a few more surprises.