No, I am not “puki” today because I had too much to drink last night. However, I have been in Taiwan for work the last couple days and drove past a billboard on a bus earlier today that said “Puki!” next to a cartoon pig. Naturally, being the bacon blogger that I am, I had to check it out.


Apparently Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank is running a campaign to encourage Taiwanese children to save money. Puki the Pig is the mascot for this campaign – I assume the reference is to saving money in a piggy bank. Or maybe it’s just because Taiwan is one of the most pork loving countries in the world, even though their pork export industry was nearly destroyed several years ago by foot in mouth disease. But I digress.


Puki not only has his own billboards, but he also has his own website with all sorts of games and other random crap to download. You can even send someone a Puki e-card! And before you browse over there to check it out, turn on your volume – due to the annoying tune playing in the background, I guarantee you’ll have “Puki puki where are you?!? (annoying child giggling)” going through your head the rest of the day…