The Grateful Palate has just rolled out a new line of products, many of which are in celebration of the 2007 Chinese Year of the Pig. You should definitely check out their website but here are a few highlights:


Vitamin G Container: Don’t throw away that precious bacon fat – save it in a “Vitamin G Container” to use later!


Bacon Spoon Holder: Have bacon by your side in the kitchen all the time, even when you aren’t cooking bacon.


Bacon Butter Dish: Bacon and butter – two things that warm the heart.


Bacon Ornament: Why even put any other decorations on the tree? Make this year’s Christmas tree all about bacon.


Dan’s Special Cure Bacon Bits: Sure to put that store-bought crap to shame.


Bacon Dog Treats: I’m gonna bet these are much tastier than Beggin’ Strips (not that I’m going to try them myself to find out, but I’m sure Fido will notice the difference).


And last, but not least, Bacon Toilet Paper. For any of my friends who are reading this entry, you can be damn sure you’ll be encountering some of this at my next party.


Happy shopping!